Sunday 7 August 2016

Information about MS-Word

Basic unit of MS-Word

1.       Titale bar: - Display the application name, file name and various window controls like minimize button maximize button and close button and close button
2.       Menu bar: - It have different option for selection.
3.       Standard tool bar: -  Displayed by default, allow to give command  like saving the file, open file, printing, etc.
4.       Formatting tool bar : - allow the user to give commands related to formatting test dot like : - Bold ,under line , front style , front size , colors , etc.
      5.       Editing area : - here you can type and edit the text.
      6.       Scroll bar : - use to scroll throw different parts of current document.
      7.       Drawing tool bar : - This is use to draw different shape arrows etc.
      8.       Stetus bar : - The status bar which is a horizontal area at the bottom of the document in MS Word , provide information about the current state of cursor.

Title bar

1.       Minimize : - This is use for changing a window into a button.
2.       Maximize : - This is use for enlarging window after it has been minimize .
3.       Close : - this is use to close a document , window.
Menu bar This has different option for selection like file this has in creating a new file, simony file , printing , printing preview , setting up print area , page setup , closing the document.
 1.       Edit This help in coping , cutting , deleting a range of text , pasting a text which has been copied.
2.       View This help in enabling and disabling current in the word window. This is also use to herder and footer to the document.
3.       Insert This can be use to insert page no , page breaks , pictures , etc.
4.       Format This help in changing the font.
5.       Tools This help with the spell checker.
6.       Table This is used insert , delete , select , and draw a table.
7.       Window This is use to hide / unhide the work book.
8.       Help(f1) This can be use to get any help about MS-Word.

Stander tool bar
                                I.            New ; - This is use to create a new document.
                              II.            Open : - This is use to open the existing files.
                            III.            Save :- this is use to save the file.
                            IV.            Print :- This is use to take print out of the file.
                              V.            Preview :- This is use to see print document before the print.
                            VI.            Spelling checker : - This is use to check the spelling and grammatical error.
                          VII.            Cut (ctrl+X) : - This is use to move a selected block from one location to another.
                        VIII.            CopY(ctrl+C) : - This is use to copy a selected block from one location to another.
                            IX.            Past (ctrl+V) ; - This is use to make a pair the selected block during the copy or cut operation at a certain location.
                              X.            Undo ( ctrl+Z) : - This is use to retain any modification made to file.
                            XI.            Redo (crtl+Y) : - Use to repeat the last action.
                          XII.            Insert hyperlink( ctrl+k) : - Hyperlink use to move a specific location in the same document and other document.
                        XIII.            Tables& border : - Use to draw a table with the drawing tools , the border can also be set according our requirement.
                        XIV.            Find : - This is use to finding a text and replace it by required text.
Formatting tool bar
        i.            Font : - This help in changing the style of text typed.
      ii.            Font size : - Help in changing size of font.
    iii.            Bold : - Help in making the selected the block look bolder than the other text.
     iv.            Italic : - This help to make the text in the selected block look tilted or slanted.
       v.            Under line : - This help in getting and under line to selected text.
     vi.            Align left : - This help inlaying the content in the selected block to the left edge of the page.
   vii.            Align center : This help inlaying  the selected block of text to the center of the page.
 viii.            Align right ; - Help in any line the selected block of text to the right edge of the page.
     ix.            Justify ; - The content of the document can be align from the left edge of the right edge.
       x.            Numbering : - Automatic numbering can be generated when you want   number certain point that you are typing.
     xi.            Font color : - The color of text can be changed to the required color by using the icon.
  Closing the MS-Word document: -
(Without save document)
Step 1 = Move to mouse on the file options of menu bar and click the left mouse button
Step 2 = Inside the pull down menu move the cursor to close option

(With save document)
Step 1 =  Use the close button which is at the right hand corner of the slandered tool bar.
Step 2 = using the close button on the title bar.
Step 3 = using the exit options.
  Saving the document
1)      Using the save button on slandered tool bar.
2)      Using the file option button on menu bar.
Step 1 =  click on file option button of menu bar
Step 2 =  Select save from drop down list.
Step 3 = you will get a screen (dialog box ) here select the drive become a folder and a give a file name and click on save button.
3)      Ctrl + S and F2
  Create a new document (ctrl + N)
1)      Using the new document option on standard tool bar
2)      Use of file option on menu bar
Step 1 = click on the file option button on menu bar
Step 2 =  Select the new from drop down list
  Opening the new exiting document ( ctrl + O )
1)      Step 1 =  click on file button of menu bar
Step 2 = Select the open from drop down list
Step 3 =  Select the drive and folder
Step 4 =  click open button

2)      Use open button on standard tool bar
Formatting a document
1)      Font : - The style of the content type in the document can be changed
Step 1 = Make the block of content of which you want to change the font
Step 2 = Select the style from the list available
2)      Font size : - The size of the font in the selected block can be changed
Step 1 = make the block of contents you want to change
Step 2 = Select the font size from the list available